Monday, May 19, 2014

Recession time according to Democratic economists

They are all suddenly worried about California, where recessions have begun lately. They are also worried because recessions happen during presidential elections. I figure the recession will wait until after the midterm elections.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Chris Christie is a nut

Christie calls for more aggressive foreign policy
NEW YORK (AP) — Courting powerful Jewish donors for the second time in two months, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie called Sunday for a more aggressive foreign policy that defends American values abroad — even in "in some very messy, difficult places."

What do we call this without being offensive? Does it have a name? The best I can come up with is Jew Catering, help me out. Chris Christie is too nutty to be prez.

But then so is Hillary.

Household debt and housing

The greater the housing boom bust cycle the greater the household debt.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Counting unemployment in California

We have scales, units.
8-8.4% uneplyment is normal
Above 8.5% and the unions vs cities start to battle
Near 9%, the national democracts worry about union dues
Above 9%, DC declares a recession.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Drowning DC is not the worst outcome

WTOP: WASHINGTON -- What will become of the nation's capital?
The huge West Antarctic ice sheet is slowly collapsing, and two groups of scientists say the melting is now an unstoppable event.
Melting ice will cause sea levels to rise higher than initially projected, which is cause for concern for D.C.-area scientists and local urban planners.
The rising seas will affect local treasures, including the Chesapeake Bay and the country's iconic monuments along the National Mall.
"We've reached the point of no return," says Brenda Ekwurzel, senior climate scientist with the Union of Concerned Scientists. "We can expect by the end of the century, according to the National Climate Assessment, anywhere between one and five feet of sea-level rise."

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Hillary Clinton is a natural dingbat

Former President Bill Clinton divulged on Wednesday that it took former secretary of state Hillary Clinton 'six months of very serious work' last year to recover from a fainting spell in December 2012 that resulted in a concussion and blood clot.
Her long recovery is 'something she never low-balled,' Bill said.
But Bill's timeline contradicts the State Department's claims just after the conclusion of Hillary's treatment in January 2013  that 'she seems to be fully recovered.'

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Sure she is nuts, but Ronald Reagan has an IQ of 90, even before he got alzheimers. Jimmy Carter, another near pychotic megalomaniac. We are not going to get normal American politicians, except Bubba Clinton was OK.

Jerry Brown finds unexpected costs in Obamacare!

You can expect the Legislature to send the governor pretty much what he proposed Tuesday: A budget that pumps more money into Obamacare to pay for its unexpected rising cost, but otherwise splashes cold water on the Democrats' spending wish list.
What a friggin idiot, those are not unexpected, those costs were planned well in advance, and for Jerry Brown to say otherwise is to declare himself a friggin idiot.

Anyway, Skelton is a puff piece write for the LA Times.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

California Democrats are a stupid bunch

Dan Walters:
 Tesla Motors, which makes battery-powered luxury cars, has benefited greatly from California's subsidies, a virtual mandate to build electric cars, and pollution credits it sells to other companies.
But when it came to locating a $2 billion plant with thousands of jobs to build lithium-ion batteries for itself and other automakers, the California-based company bypassed California. It's chosen four other Western states, including arch rival Texas, as finalists.

Fist they give the guy a free ride, then he dumps them. And why not? Why not cheat the California Democrats, they are a really stupid bunch.

California Democracts are one stupid bunch

WSJ: Five months after a judge in Sacramento halted state financing for California's bullet train dead in its tracks, Democrats are eyeing a plan that would fund the high-speed-rail line with proceeds from the state's cap-and-trade program on carbon emissions.
As envisioned, California's $68 billion bullet-train system, the nation's first, would take passengers from Los Angeles to San Francisco at speeds of more than 200 miles an hour. The project, though, has been beset by planning delays, fluctuating cost estimates and court challenges that have threatened to kill or delay it indefinitely.

Seriously, the thing is an energy waster. No one has shown any reasonable data that says otherwise, a completely useless energy waster. Dumbshit California democracts, most of whom have never passed eight grade math, are now using CapnTrade dollars to waste energy, then charge the taxpayer. Meanwhile, they have driven Toyota Corporation out of the state and have created a massive poverty crisis in southern California. They are simply stupid, no really, too stupid to govern.

I am not saying Republicans out here are much smarter.  Like 'Buck' McKeon, a representative from southern Cal somewhere.  What idiot parents name their son Buck?

Facebook has turned into random crap

Basically a web page I go do if I want a bunch of random crap jumping around and giving me an epileptic fit. I no longer have any idea why I go there.

Professor Daniel HoSang is a liar educated at UCLA

He says:
Professor Daniel HoSang
While working on his Ph.D. at USC's American Studies and Ethnicity Program, HoSang, 36, studied the racist effects of California's post-WWII ballot initiatives and uncovered an insidious pattern that he calls "genteel apartheid." Theoretically, California's referenda gave a great deal of legislative power to the people because of the ease with which items can get onto a ballot. But in actuality, demagogues with deep pockets can easily harness that power by bankrolling ballot initiatives. The racist effects (and intentions) of these can be glossed over easily with euphemistic titles like the "California Civil Rights Initiative" and an unhealthy dose of manic TV ads selling their political tonics with saccharine hopefulness or hysterical fear.

I say:
1) In this state, his liberal colleagues made a law that allows a racial majority to sue an elected official for belonging to the wrong race.
2) His own university, UCLA, with the blessing of his liberal friends, have a rule discriminating against racial minorities in admissions.
3) Jerry Brown announced, publicly, that his education policies for your children will favor the racial majority over the racial minorities.

Professor HoSang is the typical useless graduate of the UC system. He will say, when pressed, that it is ok for his friends to pursue racist apartheid because his friends are self appointed moralists.

California manufactures poverty

LA Times:
More than 3 million people in the six-county Southern California region lived in poverty in 2012, 18% of the total population, officials said Wednesday.
The figure represents a 69% increase since 1990, which is nearly three times the rate of population growth in the same period, said economists with the Southern California Assn. of Governments, a regional planning agency. One in four children were living below the federal poverty line.

And last time I looked the idiot editors at the LA Times were very much part of the cause of poverty. They are masters of frad and mis-information.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Why bother with California, says Toyota


PLANO, Texas (NEWSCHANNEL 3) - Toyota is officially leaving its American headquarters in California to put down roots in Texas.

The Plano City Council, in Texas, gave final approval to an economic incentive package for Toyota.

The company has been given nearly $7 million in grants for construction on the automaker's new headquarters.

The project will reportedly generate more than $70 million in property and sales tax revenue for the city over a 10 year period.

"It felt great, because one of the things that was evident from the beginning was not so much about incentives and dollars, it's about the impact that they make to the community and this is a terrific corporate citizen," said Plano Mayor Harry LaRosiliere.

The agreement will provide more than 3,500 full-time jobs by December of 2018.

Texas, once again, the better state

Golden State Outlook:
The great state of the long term unemployed, California. The rent is pretty high. Jerry says that OK, because it makes us a nice liberal state.

Monday, May 12, 2014

My pet theory on the ice ages

Melting ice sheets could be altering the shape of our planet
At the surface, Antarctica is a motionless and frozen landscape.
Yet hundreds of miles down the Earth is moving at a rapid rate, new research has shown.

The study, led by Newcastle University and published this week in Earth and Planetary Science Letters, explains for the first time why the upward motion of the Earth's crust in the Northern Antarctic Peninsula is currently taking place so quickly.

But GPS data collected by the international research team, including experts from Newcastle University, Durham University, and the University of Colorado has revealed that the land in this region is actually rising at a phenomenal rate of 0.6 inches (15 mm) a year – much greater than can be accounted for by the present-day elastic response alone.
My pet theory says that the sudden melting of the ice sheets cause volcanic eruptions which darken the sky and restart the ice age.

California,home of the long term unemployed.

What is this state? Legal suppression of racial minorities. Denial of the right to a fair vote in the Senate. The cause of most of the America's economics troubles. Take this guy, Robert Reich: How to shrink inequality, is his essay. His entire job at the UC Berkeley campus is all about maintaining political corruption in California. He would have no job if California had a fair vote in California. His job depends on his continued silence about racial suppression. Who in their right mind would listen to a professor from a state that practices undemocracy?

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Dim Kim Son gets a funny haircut

China has drawn up detailed contingency plans for the collapse of the North Korean government, suggesting that Beijing has little faith in the longevity of Kim Jong-un’s regime.
Documents drawn up by planners from China’s People’s Liberation Army that were leaked to Japanese media include proposals for detaining key North Korean leaders and the creation of refugee camps on the Chinese side of the frontier in the event of an outbreak of civil unrest in the secretive state.

The tiniest dictator in the world seem be be getting a little fat, I notice.

Showing up for work?

Every month, the New York Fed conducts two surveys: the Empire State Manufacturing Survey and its services-sector counterpart, the Business Leaders Survey. And each April it asks respondents of both surveys questions related to the difficulty of finding potential hires with certain skills.
This year's pair of April surveys confirmed that, as in previous years, employers are having trouble finding people with advanced computer and interpersonal skills, punctuality, and reliability.

If your employee knows his way around solid analysis, then the last place you want him is in some building where managers constantly harass.