Monday, May 19, 2014

Recession time according to Democratic economists

They are all suddenly worried about California, where recessions have begun lately. They are also worried because recessions happen during presidential elections. I figure the recession will wait until after the midterm elections.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Chris Christie is a nut

Christie calls for more aggressive foreign policy
NEW YORK (AP) — Courting powerful Jewish donors for the second time in two months, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie called Sunday for a more aggressive foreign policy that defends American values abroad — even in "in some very messy, difficult places."

What do we call this without being offensive? Does it have a name? The best I can come up with is Jew Catering, help me out. Chris Christie is too nutty to be prez.

But then so is Hillary.

Household debt and housing

The greater the housing boom bust cycle the greater the household debt.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Counting unemployment in California

We have scales, units.
8-8.4% uneplyment is normal
Above 8.5% and the unions vs cities start to battle
Near 9%, the national democracts worry about union dues
Above 9%, DC declares a recession.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Drowning DC is not the worst outcome

WTOP: WASHINGTON -- What will become of the nation's capital?
The huge West Antarctic ice sheet is slowly collapsing, and two groups of scientists say the melting is now an unstoppable event.
Melting ice will cause sea levels to rise higher than initially projected, which is cause for concern for D.C.-area scientists and local urban planners.
The rising seas will affect local treasures, including the Chesapeake Bay and the country's iconic monuments along the National Mall.
"We've reached the point of no return," says Brenda Ekwurzel, senior climate scientist with the Union of Concerned Scientists. "We can expect by the end of the century, according to the National Climate Assessment, anywhere between one and five feet of sea-level rise."

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Hillary Clinton is a natural dingbat

Former President Bill Clinton divulged on Wednesday that it took former secretary of state Hillary Clinton 'six months of very serious work' last year to recover from a fainting spell in December 2012 that resulted in a concussion and blood clot.
Her long recovery is 'something she never low-balled,' Bill said.
But Bill's timeline contradicts the State Department's claims just after the conclusion of Hillary's treatment in January 2013  that 'she seems to be fully recovered.'

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Sure she is nuts, but Ronald Reagan has an IQ of 90, even before he got alzheimers. Jimmy Carter, another near pychotic megalomaniac. We are not going to get normal American politicians, except Bubba Clinton was OK.